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Getting Started

Follow these steps to start using our platform for tracking and managing flaky tests.

1. Create Your Account

  1. Visit our signup page
  2. Enter your email and create a password
  3. Verify your email address
  4. Login to your account

2. Generate API Keys

  1. Navigate to the Settings page in your dashboard
  2. Enter a description for your API key
  3. Click "Create new API key" to create your key

Note: Never share your API keys or commit them to version control.

3. Set Up GitLab Integration

To connect your GitLab repositories and start tracking test results:

  1. Follow our GitLab Integration Guide
  2. Configure your CI pipeline to report test results

4. View Flaky Tests

Once integrated, you can view your flaky tests in several ways:

  1. Dashboard Overview: See a summary of all flaky tests across your projects